
Friday, September 13, 2013

Priorities - Business vs. Leisure

I didn't have to think about what it was that I wanted to talk about this week. I've had this certain topic weighing on my mind lately, and its really been making me think about myself and how I prioritize my time and activities. Today's post will be a commentary on my thoughts about business - things that have to be done, whether it's work, schooling or something else that you have committed yourself to - versus leisure time.

So, first off, I have a quick little fact for all of you that you don't know about me yet. I'm a student. I go to college, and I'm working towards a major in Biomedical Science. My dream has always been to be a veterinarian. This choice has put me on a path of tough and time consuming schoolwork. I don't claim to have the largest workload in the world, nor is my material the hardest. Rather, that's more of a subjective argument - but that's an argument for another time. Let's just say that, for me, the things that I need to learn and study, like chemistry, are difficult. But I'm willing to work through and put myself through the torture and unpleasantness of the journey of that schoolwork to get to the end goal. I've never wanted to do anything else with my life other than to be a veterinarian, so this is very important to me.

But, here's the kicker. How in the world do I stay sane when all I do is study for classes such as Organic Chemistry and Biology, and more? Where's the break? The rest? How about having a chance to go out and socialize with friends? Make new ones? Be involved in something for fun? Where's the fun? I've found that I, personally, cannot go without leisure time in my life. I need time to do things that I want to do, time to just relax and take a break and hang out, either with myself or with friends, or online. That time is so valuable to me that I think I would go crazy if I couldn't have it.

So there's the dilemma, right? On one hand, I have school and studies that are so fundamental to the future that I want to live, that it is impossible to ignore. On the other hand, I have time for me, in which I can relax and just have a good time. And now I'm a human scale. One of those old ones, usually called balances, not the electric piece of plastic you stand on in your bathroom. Where is that right amount of time spent on each that brings out the perfect blend of the two? Do I ignore the "fun time" and go all out in the serious business? Because I sure can't drop anything related to school. I still don't have the answer. Which is what frustrates me. I have yet to find my perfect balance. But I have a responsibility to myself in both aspects. For now, as I continue to find out how I need to balance my time that yields the best results, I have cut down on my game time. Playing games is a lot of my leisure time. So for now, I've given myself incentive to cut back on the games. A large way of doing this has been just to not buy a PLEX to support my second character. For now, I'm running one character only - Chix Kondor. And this has helped - it's just not the final solution.

But, of course, my perfect balance may not be your same perfect balance. We're different people. We have different interests. Different likes and dislikes. Different values, and different futures. So whatever my perfect balance might be, yours is very likely different. Have you found your balance? Are you looking for one? Have you found yourself in the same situation? If you're up for some discussion, feel free to post your thoughts in the comments below. I'd like to hear what you have done to cope.

And since we're reading this, we're likely pilots in EVE Online. We tend to out EVE pretty high up in our priorities in life? Why? I don't know. That'll be different for everyone, too, so I can't even pretend to be able to answer that question competently. What I can say is this - while we might find EVE Online important, it is still just a game, and we can't let it wrap us up and preoccupy that time that is due to more important things. While virtual space is cool, and we've invested our time and money into creating our life in that universe, nothing can even come close as a suitable substitution for real life - with human interactions, tangible and real goals and dreams, and even meaningful success.

So what do y'all think? Thoughts? Opinions? Comments, even? Put them in the comments below, and I'd love to have a conversation with you.

Happy Friday, and fly safe.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The First Post! - An Introduction

Hey guys and gals,

Kondor here! I hope everyone is doing well. This post marks the complete and total start of my brand new New Eden-oriented blog. Yay! And how do I start my blogging experience? Well, an introduction sounds pretty good.

I'm Kondor. In EVE Online, my character is Chix Kondor, and my DUST 514 merc is Kondor Pendragon. Already, you can see that I involve myself in more than just one of CCP's New Eden universes. And, being an active player of both games, I find myself to have a lot of thoughts and opinions related to EVE or DUST, or even this vast gaming universe in general. So, that's what this blog is for - to provide an outlet for myself to put my thoughts and opinions out into the New Eden world, and to get other peoples' thoughts and ideas and feedback. Have a conversation; make friends and make enemies; have an intellectual conversation and have an argument - whatever it is, I enjoy the sharing of thoughts and opinions. So, as you read my content from week to week, please feel free to put your own thoughts in the comments below any post. I will read them and respond to them.

As I've stated, I will post new content weekly. Every week, I'll go on and rant about some topic that's on my mind. It may be about EVE or DUST 514. It can be a serious topic, a personal topic, or even something that someone might find a little humorous. Whatever it ends up being, I won't know until I write it - I won't plan on what I'll write until I write. Don't take that to mean that I won't be knowledgeable on the subject that I produce my long-winded rants on - I will research something so that I can create a fully educated opinion. So, every Friday, come back to The Preoccupied Pod to see what's on my mind, and maybe get something in your mind as well.

And before I start getting asked this question, I will tell you why my blog is called The Preoccupied Pod. First off, in EVE Online, our pod is our life. It is the vessel that our clones reside in while in any ship, and even gives us that one last chance to get away from a sticky situation if things go horribly wrong. So that's where that came from. "Preoccupied?" Well, I'm a busy guy. I'm almost always doing more than one thing at a time. And I almost always have something going through the massively smart head of mine (yeah, yeah - shameless smart plug). Obviously, that doesn't stop me from having my own opinions. As for "The?" Well, it's a word that works pretty well at the beginning of a title. And I don't want to be just any preoccupied pod, I want to be THE preoccupied pod. Thus, The Preoccupied Pod.

Anyways, thanks for reading and dealing with some of my stupid humor. Check back for new updates, or come back on Fridays to see what's going on in my head.

Have fun, and fly safe!