

At the time of writing this up, I was completely bored. So I decided to create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to provide answers to questions that are commonly asked, as per the term "FAQ." Crazy, right? Only problem is, at the time of creating this, well...there aren't any frequently asked questions. But hey! Let's just get some common things out of the way, eh? On we go!

Q: Kondor, why did you choose the name "Chix Kondor" for your EVE character?
A: Well, I made a female character. And sometimes women are called "chicks." And Kondor is the name that I use for pretty much every video game I play. Therefore, my character is Chix Kondor.

Q: Well then, why would you make a female character if you're a guy?
A: Well, there's a few answers to that. One is because I was told by a friend of mine to do it and see if I could get any ISK from random "good Samaritans" just because I was a "girl." Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet. But, the other reason is quite simple. I could either choose to make a male likeness of myself, or I could make a pretty cute female character to look at when I was online. Clearly, I went with the second option.

Q: Why start a blog?
A: Well, I often find myself having thoughts and opinions about things EVE and DUST related, and not really anyone to air those to. So that's the purpose of my blog: to allow an outlet for myself to express my thoughts and opinions, and hopefully spur on some discussions with readers that might have their own opinions.

Q: What do you like to do in EVE Online?
A: Well, I'm an Industrialist. I like the more business side to it, and to be honest, I've never been great at PvP. So Industry is the route that I chose.

Q: What can we expect to see you write about?
A: Whatever is on my mind, really. I plan on posting a major entry every Friday, and the topic of the post will be about whatever happens to be riding my mind for the week. It can be something EVE related, DUST related, something personal, etc. And it might be serious, lighthearted or funny. Or maybe some other mood. But I can assure you that you'll be able to see into my mind a bit and figure out a little how I think and see things in general. It should be an interesting read for you, as well as a challenge and nice outlet for myself.

Q: How do you feel about comments on your posts?
A: Feel free! In fact, I largely encourage it. The whole point of my blog is to get my thoughts and my opinions out into the community. Why in the world would I try to repress your ability to do that, as well? Comment. Give me your thoughts. Argue with me. Agree with me. It doesn't matter. I'll gladly converse with anyone that comments with a question or with something intelligent.

Q: Can we make requests or suggest topics for your next post?
A: Sure. I can't say that I'll always take requests or suggestions, but if something you bring to my attention catches my mind, it very might well be the subject of my next post. And, since many like to be given credit for their ideas, don't worry - I will be sure to point out who gave me the idea.

Q: How long is this FAQ going to go on for?
A: Well, if you're that antsy to finish up and get going, we can be done now. Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions that haven't been answered here, feel free to ask them.

Have fun, and fly safe!

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